The Best Carpet Deodorizers For Bad Odors?

Carpets are amazing. It is always a good feeling walking or resting your feet on carpets especially woolen carpets. Some people fancy lying on the carpets and enjoying the feeling. 

However, stains and foreign products may make the use of carpet very unfriendly and uncomfortable. Pets cohabit with humans and sometimes cannot control themselves and may pee on the carpet, resulting in a bad smell. Children can be messy at times and spill foodstuffs and snacks which end up smelling extremely bad. Adults also may smoke weed or cigarettes and the smoke may leave a weird smell on your carpet. 

Who loves bad odors? Are you tired of these bad odors? Do you want to dispose of your carpet due to a bad odor? Wait. Before getting a new carpet, read this article. You will learn of ways of cleaning your carpet and deodorizing it. We will give you some deodorizers you can use on your carpet for different odors.

Why Does My Carpet Smell Bad? 

Sometimes your carpet might smell bad even though you don’t have pets, kids and you do not smoke inside the home. Other factors can contribute to bad odor from carpets. Some of these factors include:

  1. Poor cleaning – if your carpet is not cleaned regularly, it may have an odor due to accumulated dirt. Keep cleaning your rooms and the carpet regularly to avoid excess dirt that causes these bad odors.
  2. Too much moisture – some houses are damp and moisture accumulates frequently. The moisture will smell bad on your carpet since it is indoor. Doing away with the moisture is the best remedy but there are temporary ways of dealing with this situation if you cannot eliminate the moisture. You can pour controlled drops of baking soda on the carpet. This will temporarily remove the odor. You will need to keep doing this if the moisture cannot be permanently done away with.
  3. Poor aeration – fresh air is very important. Normally when there is no ventilation rooms tend to have a weird damp odor. Make sure your room gets enough fresh air regularly.

Best Carpet Deodorizers For Different Odors?

Surprisingly, bad smells are varied. The causative agent for bad odor varies greatly. Pets cause a type of odor and so does smoking, mildew, and some other factors. We will take a look at some of these odors and their remedies.

1. Smoke Odor

The smoke smell on the carpet is likely to come from cigars and maybe weed. These are the common smoke odors on carpets. The odor can very irritating. Here is the remedy for this problem.

This process should be done in the absence of children and other people in the room since it takes close to 7 hours to work. The deodorizer is generally called DIY where you; Mix lavender and baking soda; a cup of lavender and 500g of baking soda. Carefully sprinkle evenly on your carpet.

2. Cooking Odor

This odor is mostly manifested when food burns. The remedy is similar to the one above but you can be more efficient by adding cups/glasses of white vinegar in the room so that the bad smell is absorbed.

3. Mildew Odor

This is caused by excess moisture/humidity in the room. Here is the remedy to this problem. 

Doing away with the moisture is the best remedy but there are temporal ways of dealing with this situation if you cannot eliminate the moisture. You can pour controlled drops of baking soda on the carpet. This will temporally remove the odor. You will need to keep doing this if the moisture cannot be permanently done away with.

Note that the permanent solution is to avoid moisture in the room.

4. Pet Odor

Pet odor is one the common. Pet urine can smell extremely when not cleaned immediately. You might be so keen to clean this mess immediately it happens. We have several deodorizers you can use to eliminate these odors. Here are some of the best (click on the links to get their prices);

5. Children/Kids’ Mess Odor

The messes made by kids may be so many. Ranging from drink spills to stains from toys and snacks. The deodorant used to eliminate these odors are generally applied for many odors. They include;

  • Glade Carpet and Room Refresher 
  • Capture Carpet Dry Cleaner
  • Hoover CleanPlus Concentrated Solution

6. Poor Ventilation Odors

The permanent solution is to allow aeration. You can use other deodorants to freshen the air. We recommend Glade Carpet and Room Refresher. 


What Are The Different Forms Of Carpet Deodorizers?

There are three major forms of carpet deodorizers you can purchase, namely:

  1. Powder
  2. Shampoo
  3. Spray

You could also make your own homemade deodorizer such as a mixture of lavender, baking soda, and white vinegar.

What Should I Consider When Purchasing A Deodorant For My Carpet?

There are several factors to consider before purchasing a deodorizer. Your choice should cover all your odor problems. Here are some factors to consider;

  1. Composition of the deodorizer so that your carpet is not damaged by the chemical composition
  2. The smell/fragrance –there are varied smells and some may not be so strong that they can stir allergies.
  3. Ability to remove bacteria – carpets collect so much dirt is stepped on frequently. Bacteria is one of the dominant components of dirt on your carpet and the ability of the deodorant to remove bacteria should be a factor to consider.

What Is The Format Of Cleaning A Carpet?

The deodorizer you will purchase has guidelines on how you can use it for excellent results. But there are basic things to do before using the deodorizer. Here are some;

  1. Remove all solid particles from the carpet 
  2. Vacuum clean the carpet/ brush the carpet if you don’t have a vacuum cleaner.
  3. Finally, use your deodorizer as directed by the manufacturer. 


In a nutshell, we can confirm that odor can be eliminated from your carpet. We would recommend you use prevention measures first rather than too many deodorants which may contain chemicals. Chemicals in deodorants may wear out your carpet fast, are harmful to your health and to the environment.

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