Ways Of Drying Out A Wet Microphone

Your microphone is predisposed to many liquids and may get wet at times. The most common liquid on mics is saliva, different users may use the mic, some users spit while talking. This sounds disgusting but it is the case. Beverages may spill on your mic. Water may also pour on your mic, we love carrying drinking water along whenever we are recording audios and so this water may spill, somehow on your mic. This article will give you tips on how you will dry your microphone whenever it is wet due to the mentioned liquids.

Methods For Drying A Wet Microphone

Once you discover that your microphone is wet, you will have to find a way of drying it. Here are some of the general ways of drying your microphone:

Normal/Common Method: You might wonder what the common way/method is. Well, this is the simple method that anyone would do whenever they are in this situation. You simply shake the liquid/moisture out. Follow these steps if you have never tried this method:

  • Switch off the mic and disconnect it from any device and power source.
  • If it has removable batteries, remove them.
  • Shake off the water or moisture from the microphone.


You can use a hairdryer to dry your microphone. This method seems crazy but will work effectively to dry your mic. Set the hairdryer to a lower temperature before using it on your mice. You need to be careful when using this method. Connect the hairdryer to power then blow your mic at a safer distance of 5 feet to avoid unnecessary damage.

Electronics Dust Blower

A blower is not so different from a hairdryer. The blower will blow the moisture/water away. It may not be very efficient for blowing moisture and water away but will save you big time if you don’t have any other option. The advantage of using this method is that it will help blow away dust and other debris in your mic thus an ultimate cleaner.

Use The Kitchen Oven

This sounds funny or dangerous but will work for you effectively. You don’t need to overheat the mic in the oven, put the mic in the oven for 30 seconds and check the results. If you are going to put it in the oven for a longer period, let it not be more than 50 seconds. Again, just like the dust blower, the oven will help clean your microphone by killing all the microbes and sometimes bacteria in your microphone. 

Use Of Silica Gel

Silica Gel from your chemistry is a drying agent, it absorbs moisture. You may need to use it. Follow these steps to dry your microphone using Silica Gel:

  • Open the microphone and separate the removable parts that are wet from the sensitive parts that cannot be opened.
  • Put these wet parts in a bag (a storage bag will work best).
  • Put a good amount of silica gel in the bag. Make sure that the amount of silica gel is not too low.
  • Close the bag well and put it out of children’s reach.
  • Do not open the bag for 3 days (72 hours).
  • After 72 hours remove the microphone parts, you can wipe them using dry cotton or wool.

Use Of Rice

Yes Rice, the normal edible rice can help you dry your microphone. Rice is also a water absorber. Put the microphone in a small plastic basin. Add 2-3 cups of rice in the basin and shake well. Leave it for 12 hours. If this does not work well, add more rice and repeat the same procedure.

Wipe The Parts Using Cotton/Wool

Cotton and wool will help dry your microphone. Wiping the parts of your microphone using cotton/wool is effective. Open the microphone and carefully, gently wipe the parts one by one until they are all wiped. You can wipe them as many times as you can.

How Do I Get Rid Of Sticky Substance From My Mic?

A sticky substance may include coffee, tea, soda, juice, and other materials that when spilt on your mic will be sticky. Well, cleaning these stains is not very hard. You will need clean water or distilled water to clean the microphone. Follow these steps to clean the stains off your microphone:

  • Open the microphone and remove the parts carefully.
  • Using a small brush (you may use a toothbrush in this case) rub against the parts with these stains. Continue scrubbing while immersing the brush in clean water/distilled water.
  • Repeat the same procedure until the stains are removed entirely.
  • Afterward, you can wipe the part using cotton, wool, or a clean cloth and leave them to air dry for 15 minutes.

This other article may also interest you: How To Make Your Voice Sound Deeper When Using A Microphone

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Eliminate Saliva From My Microphone?

Mics full of saliva are the most disgusting devices to use. The smell/odor is choking. The experience of using a microphone full of saliva is unbearable. Here are the steps to follow so that you can clean your mic off saliva:

  • Open the mic. You will need to put the mic coverings in a sterilizer for 5-minutes.
  • Put mouthwash in a plastic basin and add water. Stir to mix.
  • Use a small brush or toothbrush. You can use a clean rough-textured cloth.
  • Deep the toothbrush/ cloth in the solution then wipe the parts gently. Repeat the procedure as many times as possible.
  • Put them in a place to air dry.

You can use other detergents to make your solution. The goal is to eliminate the saliva and bad smell from your microphone.

Can I Use Sanitizing Sprays On My Microphone?

There are some antibacterial sprays designed for your microphones. You will only need to spray your mic and disinfect it. Especially during the Covid-19 period, sanitizing your microphone is very important. There is one spray sanitizer that is specifically designed for the function of sanitizing microphones, Goby Labs Microphone sanitizer. You can find this sanitizer here.

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